Note: Results are temporarily static as the site is being transferred to a new server.

Masters Men 30-39 Match

Rank Bib Last name First name Start time Finish time P S Total
Total time Notes
1 18 Jaeger Matt 0:14:15 0:31:44 0 0 0 0:00:00 0:17:29 Team with Julia. +3P, +3S
2 26 Skoryi Brent 0:24:27 0:43:15 0 3 3 0:00:00 0:18:48
3 118 Jaeger Matt 0:45:31 1:08:55 0 3 3 0:00:00 0:23:24 +1P?, +3S
4 126 Skoryi Brent 1:06:41 1:30:46 2 1 3 0:00:00 0:24:05

Masters Men 60 and over Match

Rank Bib Last name First name Start time Finish time P S Total
Total time Notes
1 123 Quinlan William 0:37:27 0:56:55 2 1 3 0:00:00 0:19:28
2 23 Quinlan William 0:00:00 0:19:55 1 3 4 0:00:00 0:19:55 Team with Dan K.

Masters Men 50-59 Match

Rank Bib Last name First name Start time Finish time P S Total
Total time Notes
1 2 Cahow Dean 0:11:41 0:28:15 0 1 1 0:00:00 0:16:34 Team with Austin
2 102 Cahow Dean 0:44:07 1:04:30 0 0 0 0:00:00 0:20:23
3 14 Sanders Mike 0:45:34 1:06:50 1 4 5 0:00:00 0:21:16 Team with Jenna
4 127 Dreiman Chester 0:36:44 0:58:06 3 3 6 0:00:00 0:21:22
5 27 Dreiman Chester 0:00:00 0:21:40 1 4 5 0:00:00 0:21:40
6 125 Kimm Ed 0:43:15 1:06:41 4 2 6 0:00:00 0:23:26
7 15 Wickland Terry 0:00:00 0:23:43 4 5 9 0:00:00 0:23:43
8 25 Kimm Ed 0:00:00 0:24:27 0 1 1 0:00:00 0:24:27

Masters Women 50-59 Match

Rank Bib Last name First name Start time Finish time P S Total
Total time Notes
1 117 Collins Julia 0:31:44 0:45:31 0 0 0 0:00:00 0:13:47 +3P, +1S. Kids' course!
2 17 Collins Julia 0:00:00 0:14:15 3 0 3 0:00:00 0:14:15 Team with Matt J. +3P, +3S. Kids' course!

Boys 12 and under Pellet

Rank Bib Last name First name Start time Finish time P P Total
Total time Notes
1 1 Aupperlee Austin 0:00:00 0:11:41 0 0 0 0:00:00 0:11:41 Team with Dean
2 101 Aupperlee Austin 0:28:15 0:44:07 0 0 0 0:00:00 0:15:52

Masters Women 40-49 Match

Rank Bib Last name First name Start time Finish time P S Total
Total time Notes
1 19 Smith Roberta 0:00:00 0:20:00 0 5 5 0:00:00 0:20:00 Finish time estimated.
2 119 Smith Roberta 0:40:00 1:00:00 2 1 3 0:00:00 0:20:00 Start and finish times estimated.
3 103 Pike Elizabeth 0:49:00 1:10:20 0 0 0 0:00:00 0:21:20 Start time estimated. +2P, +2S
4 3 Pike Elizabeth 0:00:00 0:23:45 0 0 0 0:00:00 0:23:45 Team with Andy W. +0P, +1S
5 13 sharp jennifer 0:00:00 0:45:34 4 4 8 0:00:00 0:45:34 Team with Mike S.
6 113 sharp jennifer 1:06:50 9:59:59 2 4 6 0:00:00 8:53:09 DNF

Masters Men 40-49 Match

Rank Bib Last name First name Start time Finish time P S Total
Total time Notes
1 8 Woodard Brian 0:18:03 0:33:04 1 2 3 0:00:00 0:15:01 Team with Mark S.
2 28 Regnier Philip 0:21:40 0:36:44 0 1 1 0:00:00 0:15:04
3 109 Olson Kirk 0:33:45 0:48:56 0 4 4 0:00:00 0:15:11
4 12 Warwick Walter 0:18:12 0:34:00 0 4 4 0:00:00 0:15:48 Team with Nico
5 10 Boschen Kyle 0:17:42 0:33:45 0 1 1 0:00:00 0:16:03 Team with Kirk. +1P
6 107 Schwab Mark 0:33:04 0:49:54 2 3 5 0:00:00 0:16:50
7 111 Toutenhoofd Nico 0:34:00 0:50:52 1 2 3 0:00:00 0:16:52
8 24 Knauss Dan 0:19:55 0:37:27 0 4 4 0:00:00 0:17:32 +2P, +3S
9 9 Olson Kirk 0:00:00 0:17:42 0 1 1 0:00:00 0:17:42 Team with Kyle
10 7 Schwab Mark 0:00:00 0:18:03 4 2 6 0:00:00 0:18:03 Team with Brian W.
11 11 Toutenhoofd Nico 0:00:00 0:18:12 1 2 3 0:00:00 0:18:12 Team with Walter
12 20 Majors Paul 0:20:00 0:40:00 4 3 7 0:00:00 0:20:00 Start and finish times estimated.
13 108 Woodard Brian 0:49:54 1:10:05 0 2 2 0:00:00 0:20:11 +0P, +3S
14 112 Warwick Walter 0:50:52 1:11:54 3 1 4 0:00:00 0:21:02
15 124 Knauss Dan 0:56:55 1:18:00 0 0 0 0:00:00 0:21:05 +0P, +0S! (Or was one spare used?)
16 115 Wickland Terry 0:41:02 1:02:23 2 5 7 0:00:00 0:21:21
17 110 Boschen Kyle 0:48:56 1:10:19 0 2 2 0:00:00 0:21:23
18 128 Regnier Philip 0:58:06 1:19:50 0 5 5 0:00:00 0:21:44 +3P. Missing offhand shooting score.
19 121 Lipsher Etienne 0:51:10 1:14:55 5 4 9 0:00:00 0:23:45
20 21 Lipsher Etienne 0:00:00 0:24:27 4 2 6 0:00:00 0:24:27
21 4 Wilkens Andy 0:23:45 0:49:00 3 1 4 0:00:00 0:25:15 Team with Elizabeth. Finish time estimated based on second ski time.
22 104 Wilkens Andy 1:10:20 1:35:51 1 5 6 0:00:00 0:25:31 Missing offhand shooting score.
23 120 Majors Paul 1:00:00 1:32:00 5 1 6 0:00:00 0:32:00 Missing prone shooting score. Start time estimated.
24 114 Sanders Mike 0:00:00 9:59:59 0 0 0 0:00:00 9:59:59 DNS

Youth Men Match

Rank Bib Last name First name Start time Finish time P S Total
Total time Notes
1 22 Fearon Sean 0:24:27 0:51:10 0 2 2 0:00:00 0:26:43
2 122 Fearon Sean 1:14:55 1:49:43 0 2 2 0:00:00 0:34:48

Boys 13-14 Match

Rank Bib Last name First name Start time Finish time P P Total
Total time Notes
1 16 Wickland Tristan 0:23:43 0:41:02 1 1 2 0:00:00 0:17:19
2 116 Wickland Tristan 1:02:23 1:26:40 1 2 3 0:00:00 0:24:17
3 0 Johnson Nicholas 0:00:00 9:59:59 0 0 0 0:00:00 9:59:59 DNS